Pros And Cons Of Dental surgery

If your Kenosha WI dentist recently told you that your condition requires surgery would you agree to it? Most people are apprehensive to undergo dental surgery because they are afraid of the risks. While it’s true that oral surgery does have its fair share of risks, the benefits will always outweigh the drawbacks. Besides, your dentist would never suggest something that could harm you.

When the surgery is performed by a skilled and qualified oral surgeon, you can be confident that the procedure will be successful. To help ease your worries, we recommend you sit down with your oral surgeon and have a lengthy discussion about the procedure, why it’s needed, how it’s done, how long it’s going to take, what are the risks involved, what are you going to feel during the procedure, what’s the success rate of the treatment and more importantly ask about the recovery. Knowing what to expect will help you recover fast.

But, we’re not going to lie to you. All surgeries do have risks. Let’s talk about the common risks that come with dental surgeries.

Complications of Tooth Extraction

There are two types of tooth extraction procedures. Simple tooth extraction does not need surgery since the crown is visible and can easily be removed. However, when the tooth has not fully erupted as is the case of an impacted wisdom tooth, your oral surgeon would need to make an incision on your gum tissues to expose the tooth. Some of the complications associated post-op include swelling and jaw soreness, dry socket, an incomplete tooth extraction, damage to nearby teeth, infection, a fractured jaw, a hole in the sinus, and tooth misalignment.

Another concern is when a tooth is extracted, the opposite tooth can shift out of place and move towards the socket. Jawbone deterioration from the extraction site is also possible.

Complications After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible metal. These tooth roots are shaped to look like metal screws. Your oral surgeon will incise your gums to expose the bone tissues underneath. A special tool is used to drill a hole in your jawbone to accommodate the implant. Once the implant has successfully integrated with your jawbone, an abutment or connector is attached followed by an artificial tooth.

Although dental implant surgery boasts of a ninety-five to ninety-eight success rate, complications can still happen post-op. Examples of post-op complications after dental implant surgery include infection, nerve damage, and damage to nearby teeth.

Complications of Jaw Surgery

Patients who have misaligned jaw are often advised to undergo jaw surgery. This procedure not only improves oral function but also enhances your appearance. However, there are some things you need to look out for after the surgery. Examples of complications of jaw surgery include TMJ, tooth damage, infection on the incision site, poor cosmetic outcome, nerve damage, and developing a reaction to anesthesia.

What Can You Do To Minimize the Risks and Complications Post Surgery?

Knowing the risks is just one part of your journey. You must also know what to do before and after surgery to avoid complications.

First, listen and follow your oral surgeon’s after-care instructions. The success of the procedure relies greatly on your ability to follow after-care instructions. Some of the common after-care instructions include not eating twelve hours post-op and avoiding using a straw when you drink for several days so as not to irritate the site.

You may also place an ice pack on the affected side of your face to minimize swelling. And as for infection, take any medications you’re prescribed even though you feel fine. Make sure you take the proper dosage and timing.


If you have more questions about the procedures or other potential risks that are not discussed here feel free to ask your dentist. They will be more than happy to answer your questions.